The technical specifications for the 2022 competition are ready!

The Technical Specifications for Njord’s 2022 Autonomous Ship Challenge is ready! This year there will be two competitions that run in parallel: a digital challenge, and the main physical competition. The technical specifications contain the guidelines and requirements to attend the physical competition.

In Njord's first ever physical competition the teams will have to design and build an autonomous surface vessel. The vessel must be fully autonomous while competing in the different categories. The main dimensions are also specified, and there is an example hull design offered to the teams which they are free to use or modify. Njord also hosts bimonthly check-ins and a webinar for the registered teams after the registration deadline in February. The teams will have to compete in 4 different categories: maneuvering and navigation, collision avoidance, docking and a technical report. The registration of teams deadline is 1. February.

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